Hellenic Institute of Constructive Journalism

The Advisory Board consults, promotes and supports the work of the Institute.

David Boardman
David Boardman
Journalist, Professor, and Dean in the School of Communication & Media at Temple University of Pennsylvania, USA.
Cathrine Gyldensted
Cathrine Gyldensted
Journalist, pioneer of Constructive Journalism. Inspired the connection between journalism and the behavioral sciences.
Ulrik Haagerup
Ulrik Haagerup
Founder and CEO of the Constructive Institute at Aarhus University in Denmark.
Karen McIntyre
Karen McIntyre
Associate Professor of Journalism at the School of Media and Culture, Virginia Commonwealth University.
Roland Schatz
Roland Schatz
Journalist, Entrepreneur, Consultant, dedicated to implementing Perception Change by empowering the media.
Nicolas Demertzis
Nicolas Demertzis
Professor at the Department of Communication & Media, University of Athens.
Tessie Tzavaras Catsambas
Tessie Tzavaras Catsambas
Co-founder and CEO of EnCompass LLC, Washington D.C.
Theodora Maniou
Theodora Maniou
Assistant Professor of Journalism at the Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Cyprus.
Alexander Nehamas
Alexander Nehamas
Professor of Humanities, Philosophy, and Comparative Literature at Princeton University.
Fotis Papathanasiou
Fotis Papathanasiou
General Director of the V. & M. Theocharakis Foundation for Visual Arts and Music.
Athanasios Papandropoulos
Athanasios Papandropoulos
Journalist, Honorary International President of the European Federation of Journalists.
Takis Pappas
Takis Pappas
Political scientist, academic, and author.
† Αναστάσιος Σταλίκας
† Αναστάσιος Σταλίκας
(22/08/1960 - 07/09/2023)
"Father" of Positive Psychology in Greece, mentor and warm supporter of the Institute's efforts. He may have passed away but we honor his memory by moving forward...