Hellenic Institute of Constructive Journalism


Our mission is to change the culture of information and the rules of news coverage so that journalism claims social responsibility and benefits democracy, society, and human beings collectively and as entities.

Our vision is people trusting journalism, letting themselves be inspired by it, and gaining access to information that will help them envision and construct a more just and sustainable world while making decisions that will benefit their daily lives.

Our goal is a solution-oriented journalism, rich in perspectives and increasingly based on dialogue, synthesis, and collaboration.

We want to bring balance back into news coverage so that it gives people a sense of investment and communities the information they need to participate in a healthy democracy.

We want to facilitate the exchange of best practices and spread knowledge. To help media decision-makers develop a compass for tomorrow's media world. To provide researchers and practitioners with a solid foundation for conducting research and applying methods of Constructive Journalism in news production. To cooperate with news organizations in order to produce accurate information on tackling today's most pressing social challenges.

We are transforming standards, radically changing the way negative news is presented.

Constructive Journalism not only does not contradict but, on the contrary, strengthens journalistic principles and ethics.

In a transitional era where everything is ever-changing, it's time for journalism to carve a new path that mainly emphasizes what is going well, and what is working out in our society, without ignoring mishaps and negative news.

Just like Positive Psychology, as a branch of Psychology, focuses on the functional part of the human psyche, drawing strength and energy to find solutions and to improve the resilience and quality of life of people, Constructive Journalism focuses on the positive elements of society, without turning a blind eye to the negative. It presents both positive and negative news in a conscious and balanced fashion, emphasizing the solutions that can emerge by drawing from what is going well in our world. It's high time that "learned helplessness", a phenomenon aptly demonstrated by psychologist Martin Seligman during his experiments, gives way to hope and taking action for a better future. The role of Constructive Journalism is of vital importance in this case.

Journalism at its best is a key factor in democracy. The importance of taking action to keep the journalistic profession dynamic, sustainable, and strong is crystal clear at this point. Constructive Journalism is considered a herald of the redefinition of news as we know them.

The Hellenic Institute of Constructive Journalism aims to become the "nursery" of Constructive Journalism in Greece, creating a new generation of journalists. Journalism is inspired by the fundamentals of Positive Psychology, which aims to enhance people's critical thinking and positive emotions, the " light "and not the "darkness" within them.

Searching for what repaints the bigger picture

The Hellenic Institute of Constructive Journalism is a place where professionals and media pioneers can share their knowledge and experiences.

Conflicts, disasters, climate change: Is it possible to escape this endless vicious cycle of bad news?

Every day, more and more, it becomes apparent how important it is for journalism to offer people different perspectives and ways to take action, rather than leaving them alone to deal with apocalyptic scenarios… The media in Greece, as already witnessed in other countries, must contribute to this shift. They must develop new forms and ways of asking questions and create a journalism practice that is more solution-oriented and broader in perspective.

‘Solutions Journalism’ offers press more constructive role in covering conflict, panelists say at International Media Seminar on Middle East Peace , which was organized by the United Nations Department of Global Communications. “Journalists who practice the solutions approach are promoting ideas to make the world a better place and, in that sense, are ‘advocates’ for solutions”...

“While it is our duty to highlight what is wrong with the world, we also have an opportunity to point out what is going right, what is possible…” Melissa Fleming, Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications.